I am Mx. Ria (Rumi), a 21 year old human who is passionate about creating a change in the society through education, activism, spirituality and art. A humanist at heart, I am on a journey on understanding the true essence of identity and life. With that I hope to learn from the diversity that exists around us.
This art piece is a tribute to all of humanity in general who is trapped in the rigid structures of society. Our identities go much deeper than our exterior self (Reflectable by a mirror). The authentic us, our true self is quite innate. We often feel suffocated or face an existential crisis because we aren't allowed to express this true self of ours overtly.
I have grown up questioning my gender, my sexuality, my life purpose and now the spiritual path that I want to follow. And it is interesting how it has brought to me not just emotional turmoil but liberation & a push to live again. This artwork is a hope to live our authentic lives and an encouragement to shatter any societal barriers, be free and at peace.